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Missions - El Salvador

Gary Powell

Missionary to El Salvador

My Father's House International

Mission: Children's home (La Casa de mi Padre)

This is an independent Christ-based orphanage in San Salvador, El Salvador, that is committed to showing the love of Christ to children and families in crisis by caring for them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Missions - Nigeria_1

Tom and Heidi Jessurun

Missionaries to Nigeria

Serving In Mission (SIM) USA

Mission: Training pastors

The Jessuruns' vision is to see northern Nigeria (94% Muslim) become a christian region by ministering to the persecuted church through teaching and discipleship.


Missions - Senegal

Paul and Diane Ohlin

Missionaries to Senegal

United World Missions

Mission: Church planting

Church planting among the Aka pygmies in the Central African Replublic.


Missionaries to Eurasia

Eurasia Precepts Ministry

Mission: Discipleship

Establishing people in God's Word and teaching them to live as exemplary followers of Jesus Christ, studying the Bible inductively, viewing the world Biblically, making disciples intentionally, and faithfully serving the church in the power of the Holy Spirit. This ministry reaches out to Christians in many non-Christian nations in Europe and Asia. Their reports have to be scrubbed of any locations and names so as to not place these missionaries in jeopardy.
