Starts every Oct.
10 weeks
For inquiries regarding tuition costs, scholarship availability, or other questions, please contact Pastor John Kuvakas
If you desire to learn more about what you believe, and more about Christ, this class is designed to get you started. Apollos is a course offered to individuals who want to learn how to discover the deeper truths of Scripture. During the course of the class, students will acquire Bible study skills that will help them in determining the truth of God's word on their own, just like the Bereans.
Why Apollos?
The class is named after a man in the New Testament named Apollos. He was of high intelligence, but began preaching before his understanding of the truth was fully developed. In Acts 18:24-28, we find that Apollos was open to being taught "the way of God more accurately." Apollos soon became one of the most influential preachers of his time and is mentioned in 1 Corinthians as being on par with Paul.
Course Description
Apollos is a 10-week course taught by pastors and elders who utilize various study aids and resources to demonstrate how to dig deeper into the Scriptures. Using the WBF Statement of Faith and selected passages from the Bible, students will learn how to discover the truth of God's Word. Assignments and exercises include research papers, class discussions and presentations. The class is highly interactive, informative and challenging.